Birth Name: Xenia Likhacheva
Birth Date: (age 21)
Birth Place: Tallinn
Height: 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Measurements: 81-58-82
Hair color:
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Major Competition(s):
Miss Earth 2011Birth Date: (age 21)
Birth Place: Tallinn
Height: 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Measurements: 81-58-82
Hair color:
Eye color:
Major Competition(s):
What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?
I believe the possibilities for new projects to promote the protection of Earth are endless. I would create a balanced project which addresses most of the key environmental issues, and then take everything step by step. As 2011 is an International Year of Forest, protection and well-being would be a key issue in my project. However, preserving forest is not just about planting and looking after trees. There are a lot of other problems which affect forests and global ecosystem, and that need to be addressed as well. Those include water pollution, greenhouse gases, ozone depletion, global warming and so on. Being on Miss Earth 2011 allows me to get much needed exposure to promote my ideas, however, it is implementing those ideas is what I am looking and hoping for. If everyone try to do their little bit to help the environment, I am certain that the Earth will be a better place to live, and encouraging people to do so would be my key objective in this project.
What makes you proud of the country you are representing, and what can you promote about your country?
Estonia is a very little country in Northern Europe with small population and equally small area. However, it is a very proud and traditional country and as a result, it was one of the first to be admitted into the EU from this area. We have one of the most authentic Medieval Old Towns in the World as well as two World Heritage Sites. My home town Tallinn is holding the title of European Capital of Culture 2011. Estonian nature is unique because Estonia is almost 50% forest, and by %, it is one of the largest in the world. Estonian wildlife is also very diverse, and on average, one square meters has more than 70 species. This figure at times exceeds the diversity in the tropical regions. There are over 1500 Islands, 1000 lakes and 7000 rivers. One of the more unknown facts about Estonia is that Skype, a very popular software application was invented in Estonia. In fact, by % of people who have access to internet, Estonia is one of the global leaders. There is a lot more to Estonia that meets an eye, but one has to experience and see Estonia for themselves in order to more deeply understand the country, people, tradition etc. All of those facts and much more, make me very proud that I was born in Estonia.
Describe your childhood/growing years.
I have spent my early childhood days very fruitfully. In addition to attending regular school, I went to ballet school as well with constant rehearsals and performances. As a result, I had very little free time. At 10 years old, I have travelled on tour where I had appeared on a huge audience. At the age of 11, I have applied to the music school, and started to learn accordion and piano ever since. When I was 13 years old, I went to youth camp where I was introduced on how to be an ecologically minded person for the first time, and I stayed ever since. Part of that task was to clean beaches of any debris and dirt.
What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years? ?
First of all, I have learned that if you want to have something done, do it yourself. Secondly, I believe that everything, good or bad, happens for a reason, and people should learn from their experience. Finally, I believe that a life should be taken with a little humor. Even when bad things happen, a smile could make us and people around us feel a little bit better.
What is your most memorable moment?
My most precious memory dates to the year 2006. I was in 9th grade at that time. My accordion teacher asked me whether I wish participate in a talent contest, where contestants had to create their own piece of music. I have always loved creating music, so there was no choice for me, but to participate. It took me a while to create my final music piece, but the rewards were excellent. Not only that I have won in a talent contest and became the best composer in my music school, I have also won a 3rd place in Estonia as the best accordionist the same year. For me, being a creative person that was a moment which I will never forget.
What is your environmental advocacy?
I think that the current attitude towards environment is wrong and needs a complete overhaul. First of all, I truly believe that the education about the environment and human impact on nature should be taught at school from the yearly ages. It would allow children to be more aware about the environment. Secondly, the issue of the environment should be talked about on political and business levels as well because these are the people that could really make a great deal of impact on environmental issues, good or bad. I think governments should take a harder stance on companies or individuals which harm the environment. As a result of that, businesses would be more mature about their waste disposal and impact on nature. At the end of the day, it is not fair that the majority of the Earths' population has to suffer because of a small number of people. Finally, I would like people to appreciate water much more than they do it now. Water is life, but with larger global population, and fewer clean supplies of water, it could become a very hard to gone by.
Special thanks to Wikipedia & www.pinoyexchange.com/ & www.missearth.tv
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source: (Thank you and credits to
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